Friday, March 1, 2013

Saxony, Tasting Session

I'm loving the etched Lewybrewing glasses in this shot

Aroma:  Roasted Coffee, Chocolate hints, the smell gives off a "Big Flavor Coming" warning.

Appearance:  (Still young) Jet black with hints of dark brown around the sides of the glass, bubbles trapped on the side of the glass, thin head the disappears quickly. 

Flavor:  Solid flavor forward Schwarzbier.  Big on the roast and coffee flavors.  I get a little greenish flavor in the middle of the drink.  I really can't pinpoint it right now.  Finishes quickly with no lingering flavors.      No diacetyl, hot alcohol or DMS flavors in this pouring. 

Mouthfeel:  Very light and refreshing, on the thinner side, I think its due to the lager yeast on this beer.  I keep comparing it to a Solidarity Mild brewed with WLP001.  Which has the same big roasty malty flavors but with out the yeast bite the 001 version has. 

Overall Impression:  This is a solid beer, and for my 4th lager a very well brewed beer.  With some time and lagering refinements this could be solid well depended upon recipe. 

Original Recipe and Brewing Notes.

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